Oh, Hey Twitter!

So I did it. I finally got a twitter so that I can stop just creeping the hubby’s to see what is going on in the world.

Feel free to follow me @thebookboozer!

I hope you all are having a fantastic Tuesday! Reviews will be a bit slow this month, since I am doing a re-read of The Mortal Instruments in preparation for the release of City of Heavenly Fire next month. So stoked!

5 thoughts on “Oh, Hey Twitter!

  1. Welcome to Twitter. May you figure out how it works (I haven’t yet).

    The City of Bones film didn’t really do it for me. How true was it to the book? Or was the book better?


    • I was 100% not true to the book at all! That movie was just unspeakably bad.

      If you like fantasy/dystopian-ish YA books, then these are brilliant. So is the prequel series, The Infernal Devices. Everything gets all connected and its brilliant.

      I think I have a pretty good grip on Twitter, since I have been just basically using the hubby’s to stalk everyone πŸ™‚ ……in a non-creepy way, of course.


      • Totally makes sense. πŸ™‚
        I just realised that the whole Forsaken at the Portal thing is explained in one sentence that Jace just happens to overhear. I think I missed it on all my other readings: that Valentine sent the Forsaken to that Portal in order to stop the Lightwoods rocking up in Idris and “infecting” the rest of the Clave with their Downworlder-tolerant views on life.

        How did I miss this before?!


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