Feature and Follow Friday!

FeatureandFollowHappy Friday everyone! Today I discovered this great hop hosted by both Alison Can Read and Parajunkee’s View. The point of the hop is to bring Book Bloggers/Reviewers together and provide an opportunity to gain new followers for your own blog as well as discovering new Book Bloggers to follow! You can find information about the meme here. Join in on the fun and meet fellow bookies!


This Week’s Question: If you could only have one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?


Geezus this was a hard one. I decided on Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. Firstly, because in reality it really is my favorite book. Also because it is so full of facts and little tidbits that I find something new in it every time I pick it up off the shelf. And it is pretty lengthy. If I had only one book to read over and over I would want it to be a longer one, so that you don’t end up reading it as many times as you would a shorter one.

What book would you pick?

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